Hey all!
Shall we discuss the reccommended food for babies? Why not! So by now I've looked up list after list to see what exactly I can purée for my hungry caterpillar, and the lists are pretty similar give or take a few items. I found this list on www.parents.com I thought I would scroll through and give a yay or nay according to Sawyer's opinion. Who doesn't like to know an 8 month olds take on food!
So starting with BANANAS Sawyer absolutely loves bananas, and all I did with them was cut them up and stick them in the food processor. Bananas are so sweet on their own I figured why add flavor to an already delicious fruit.
Sweet potatoes was so, so according to Sawyer. I'm quite surprised because he loves Brussel Sprouts so much better!
Avocado is next, which guacamole was my craving when I was pregnant, so I for sure fixed him guacamole...but come to my surprise he wasn't a fan. I was blown away, so I thought I would wait and try again. A week later I cut the avocado into pieces and mashed each piece a bit and he loved it! Probably the best food I buy that is usually always on sale. I haven't tried guacamole again, but why go to the hassle when he enjoys it "plain Jane."
Eggs is next on the list, I haven't officially given him eggs yet...but when he was with his grandparents he was made a side of scrambled eggs. He was only 6 1/2 months, and he seemed to do ok, but I better wait to verify with the doctor if its ok to do eggs on a regular basis.
Carrots, surprisingly Sawyer could careless about carrots. He would rather have bell peppers! I'm sure if he could talk he would say "not bad." I haven't posted the carrot recipe yet, I'm thinking of a new recipe. Plus the time I made carrots it was with my old processor that didn't really get the food creamy and smooth.
Yogurt, I have not tried since it has dairy products in it. However, I have seen the little dissolvable yogurt drops "munchies" that are for "sitters". I think I will try them, but will have to ask the doctor his opinion on actual yogurt to Sawyer's diet.
Who hasn't tried baby cereal? I will say Sawyer wants nothing to do with the rice cereal and is all about the oatmeal. Check out the picture below, he was not a fan of the rice cereal.
Did someone say cheese? Yes please! Sawyer has only has tastes of cheese when ever I'm eating cheese. A pinch of American from a sandwich, a little taste of cheddar from a dip, but what cheese he really enjoys is queso dip! We usually go to El Vaquero Mexican Restaurant every weekend and when Sawyer tags along he of course has to have a taste. I scoop a little on a chip and spoon it in his mouth and he sucks off that cheese like its candy! He absolutely loves it and all it is, is white American cheese melted with jalapeños. Baby's do like a touch a spice, like I mentioned before...try it!
I have made him chicken from leftovers, he seemed to enjoy it. Out of the meets he has had I would say chicken is probably third in line behind ham and beef. I've posted my leftover chicken recipe. Once my protein supply dies down in my freezer I have a recipe I've been wanting to try for him...to be posted at a later date.
Citrus fruits, he hasn't really tried. I think now that he can chew mushy food I will try some clementines.
Red meat, lie I mentioned before beef is on his top protein list. Coming in second behind ham. I made Sawyer beef stew meat, a little time consuming with that recipe, but he seemed to really like it. He actually had it tonight with collard greens and blueberry/kiwi!
Butternut squash I can't wait to create a recipe. I haven't tried that out because it just really isn't in season till towards the end of the season...TBA at a later date.
Sawyer has not tried fish, probably not going to attempt that till he is at least close to being 2 years old.
I get excited when I see tomatoes on the list! Check my articles page to read an in depth reading on tomatoes. But I have given sawyer a quick spaghetti that included fresh tomatoes and he seemed to really enjoy that, which is a good thing! I'm not sure what I would do if he didn't like spaghetti.
Sawyer hasn't tried just peas, but rather snap peas! He loves them. I actually cooked them for myself one night, and I had enough leftover to purée for him. It's probably one of his favorite veggies.
Broccoli, I have made for Sawyer, he ate it. Lets just say he isn't loosing sleep if he never ate broccoli again. He would rather scarf down Swiss chard. I think my son will have such a great food palette! Never in a million years would I have guessed my son would be picking vegetables I dislike over the ones I'm in love with!
Lastly pasta, I'm part Italian and I thank The Lord that he loves pasta! Pasta is an important food group in my book! Thankfully he loves it. He has only had the basic and easy spaghetti but I'm sure he will love my grandmas spaghetti, my Alfredo and my moms lasagna!
I would love to know what type of food you would like a recipe for, so let me know what you want to cook!